No two mines are the same. That’s why Rearden Mining Consultants starts with an in-depth understanding of your unique needs and desired outcome(s). It’s our job to return to you with an innovative, compelling, and results-driven solution.

Assess risk & reward.
Accurate assessment of risk is critical for your company to pursue opportunities and access big gains. Outsourcing study technical expertise allows your teams to focus on current projects while we help you make smart investment decisions for your future.
We conduct studies for any surface or underground project. Our commodity study experience includes base metals, precious metals, and diamonds. We have experience across all levels of study including the following:
- Scoping
- Preliminary Economic Assessment
- Pre-feasibility
- Feasibility
- Detailed Design and Planning
We conduct studies to NI 43-101 and JORC standards.
Manage your risk.
Skilled resources.
Rearden Mining Consultants provides experienced, reliable engineering and project management people for your on-site or remote workforce. Our team is highly skilled at planning, scheduling and budgeting. We also know that being great communicators makes your job easier. Come and bend our ear, help us understand the problem you need to solve.
When you need:
- Additional resources
- Digital and data-related expertise
- To build out skills for your on-site team
- Specialized staff for a specific scope of work
- Confidence the job will be done right, with no micromanagement

Surface and Underground operations & planning:
- Mine Optimization
- Mine Design
- Mine Scheduling
- Costing (Operating and Capital)
- Studies (Scoping through Feasibility)
- Business & Technical
- Improvement (Improve your bottom line)

Temporary resourcing and Site Support:
- Technical Services Support
- Roll-out of mine planning & scheduling systems
- Secondment while you are hiring

Project management:
- Remote project management
- Site-based project & construction management
- Civil, Mechanical and Earthworks projects
- UG excavation projects
Get the right people.
More value from data.
The largest mines are already showing that getting more from data allows them to increase productivity and reduce costs. From improving planning and reporting to accessing real-time data on pricing, your data should drive timely and effective decision making.
Rearden Mining Consultants can help your company figure out how to get the most of your existing data or invest in new data analysis tools.
We help mines:
- Collect as-built data faster and with better detail for feedback into ongoing plans
- Collect and assimilate KPI data
- Turn-over planning scenarios faster and with greater realism
- Analyze the impacts of design and planning changes in near-real time
- Implement and roll-out mining software improvements structured for your operations and teams’ specific needs
Get more from your data.
Increase productivity.
We begin with a robust cut-off grade analysis because it’s the backbone of your mine’s profitability. We then proceed to use industry-leading software tools to analyze your resource model to come up with optimal open pit and underground stope designs.
Proficient with:
Mine Optimization Software
- MSO (Mineable Shape Optimizer)
- Mining Math’s Open Pit Optimizer
- SOT (Schedule Optimization Tool)
- Whittle 4X
Mine Planning Software
- Alastri Scheduling Suite
- Deswik Suite of Products
- Datamine’s UG2, S5DP, M24D, Studio 3
- Minesight Suite of Products
Programming Languages and Data Management Tools
- MS ACCESS & SQL Server Database for managing data
- MS Project
- SQL, VBA, VB.NET, Python Programming
Manage your risk.
A new approach.
New and emerging technology is an opportunity for today’s leading companies to envision and create the mines of the future.
We help companies balance accelerating digital transformation with an end user who wants a higher emphasis on ethical supply chain and lower carbon footprint.
Rearden Mining Consultants works with companies to transform in 2 critical areas:
- Digital transformation
- Making your operation digital
- Purchase & implementation of new mining software
- System upgrades
- Remote automated equipment
- Using big data
- Rethinking how work is done
- Step-change innovation
- Improvement through streamlining
- Uncover productivity gains
- Extract more value from current resources
- Reduce carbon footprint (focus on reducing GHG emissions)
Ready to innovate?
We offer a broad spectrum of mine planning and engineering services that extend through the full value chain. We use industry leading software and tools in combination with industry best practice and novel thinking to deliver value and improve your bottom line.
Robust cut-off grade analysis is the back-bone of your mine’s profitability and that is where we begin. We then proceed to use industry leading software tools to analyze your resource model to come up with optimum open pit and underground stope designs. We are experts in the use of MSO (Mineable Shape Optimizer) and Whittle 4X. We are also skilled with other tools such as Deswik’s Pseudoflow routine, Mining Math’s Open Pit Optimizer, and MSOPIT from Minesight.
Coupled with decades of experience, we once again use industry leading design and scheduling tools to put together robust mine planes including detailed designs and schedules all animated in 3D so the intent of the plan can be fairly and openly communicated to everyone.
We using relevant cost data obtained from industry together with our own in-house first principles costing worksheets to build up robust costs that will stand the test of scrutiny by investors, banks, and public markets alike.
Geotechnical Engineering
We have aligned ourselves with world class Geotechnical engineers. Not only are the highly experienced with operations and the development of best practices for ground support management plans and the like. They have also developed highly advanced methodologies for estimate over-break and under-break in stoping activities enabling them to provide step-change improvements to your extraction plans and, therefore, your bottom line.
Business and Systems Improvement
We understand how difficult it can be just to identify exactly where your operation needs to be improved. It can be just as difficult, if not more, to take action to make the necessary changes. For example, purchasing new engineering software and rolling it out to all of your sites can be a mammoth task. But the ROI on taking this action is almost always worth it. We have years of experience doing systems upgrades such as this and can work with you and any other stakeholders to facilitate a seamless roll-out that takes place in a timely fashion.
Engineering Secondment
We recognize that when you are undertaking internal projects it can stretch your engineering staff significantly. We are here to help and are happy to provide our best people to assist you on-site with either day-to-day operations, project work, or roll out of new business and engineering systems aimed at improving your site processes.
Project Management
We are also experienced project managers having managed such projects as major underground excavations such as conveyor transfer chambers and crusher chambers, Raise-boring and Raise Lining projects using Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete, Diesel Power Plant Installations, and a Paste Plant Retro-fit project.